How can one add to the File Associations in VLC’s Preferences?… there doesn’t appear to be any way to add to the embedded listed, found under Preferences? And I found the same issue with Windows’ File Associations list, and that of ImageGlass! My hope was to include the Windows sidebar.exe slideshow gadget within any of the just cited File Associations lists, so that I could “associate” the slideshow gadget file, with VLC! But!… not finding the file in any of the just mentioned lists… and not being able to add the file to any of the lists… makes it impossible to associate the file– so far!– with the VLC media player! Lastly, one of my DESPARATE NEEDS re the MS Windows sidebar. Here are additional details on the different ways to change your default media player back to VLC in Windows 10. Now the default player for all your media files will be VLC.

In “Interface Settings”, use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down.Fact is, only one app can be the default app that opens up when you launch a file type or protocol on your device. Maybe you have installed multiple media players or web browsers.
From your VLC Media Player menu, click on “Tools” and then on “Preferences”. Sometimes you may have multiple apps installed on your Android device that may be set as the default application for a certain file or data type.To change file associations in VLC Media Player follow these steps: From Options Within VLC VLC offers a quick solution to change file associations to and from VLC.
You won’t have to close some other player time and again when those software try to play your media.

wav to auto open with VLC Media Player, you are saving your self some time and trouble. You would do this to remove associations from other players such as Windows Media Player, for example. To make VLC Media Player your default media software, you will have to change file associations. This would waste a few seconds of your previous time, everytime you have to open a media file. You do not always want to right click on a file, click on open with and then select VLC Media Player to open with it. When you double click on a media file, you want the file to open with VLC Media Player naturally. If VLC Media Player is your favorite media playing software, you would want a lot if not all of media files to auto open with VLC Media Player.